Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Mudman of Alleyton Road!!!!!!!

We found this the other day at the house while talking with the concrete guy about pouring our driveway. I know there have been some mysterious pictures on the web lately of the "Chupacabre" or goatsucker here in Texas. This certainly was not something like that. This "thing" seemed quite friendly and almost jovial. He did occasionally pick up a big pawfull of mud and threaten to throw it at me, but it seemed like he was only joking. I think he actually feared our response more than we feared him.
The concrete guy seemed more weirded out by it than frightened. I was a little scared that the thing might get into the house or my car. When mom, Jacob and Nicholas were walking over to the house, the thing followed me up to the end of the driveway. It stood back by the gate a little bit and didn't come too close to us. A man on a tractor drove by and we had to stop and wave (since Jacob was driving his tractor too). When the man on the tractor got even with "the mudman" he had to do a double take. I think he reallllly thought it was weird. They are probably wondering what kind of new neighbors they are getting.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007